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To Geek or Not To Geek. The Miss USA Question.

Y’know, the “uproar” is starting and I’m gonna stay out of it. Save for saying this.

In what world is it okay to be mad at people for judging geeks for being “other” but it’s okay for geeks to judge others?

Oh and, for the record, she said she was a “history geek”. All signs point to yes that she is.

Co-opting? Pandering? Fake? Beauty Queens can’t be geeks?

Ask yourself why the vehemence?. Personally, I’d rather not judge anyone’s “geekiness” factor, or any other factor. Just the way I’d rather not be judged.

And let’s not forget — beauty pageants give away college scholarships.

If you want to get into debate, here are a few links of people who are debating the issue. Me? I’m Switzerland. (mostly)

Geeks Bearing Gifts – at the Rachel Maddow Blog.

Are you questioning Miss USA’s geek cred? – at Has Boobs, Reads Comics.

When Geeks Become Bullies – by Jessica Mills aka @geekyjessica.



  1. I will admit I judged her a little. But only because I don’t feel that any history geek worth their salt should legitimately enjoy the Tudors. ;)

    I think the judging comes from jealousy. If only we all could be good-looking AND intelligent.

  2. I will admit I did judge her a bit…but only because I don’t feel that any true history geek can legitimately enjoy the Tudors. ;)

  3. She comes from a family of geeks too. From the Crestron Electronics Facebook post the next day:

    Crestron Electronics HQ
    Congrats to Crestron dealer John V. Campanella of Millenium Design Concept, Inc for his daughter Alyssa’s Miss USA Crowning!

  4. This annoys me to no end. We were excluded so now we want to return the favor. I really feel some people need to let go and just embrace all our new friends.

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