My friend Ted posted this pic on FB today and, man, did I have a flashback!
I’m pretty sure it’s out of Tiger Beat. Circa 1978?
I’d love to know what Mark Hamill would say to the same questions now.
Talk about a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
p.s. I need a big heart to put over it.
They really want you to know he can draw well, don’t they?
“He’s a fine cartoonist – he really is!” and “Don’t annoy him when he’s doing his art – he loves it and he is good at it!”
He can draw, and is good, really, seriously, yes, it’s true – unbelievable I know but he’s real good – we saw it, we liked it! It’s good, he’s great at art! Yeah, so great! Really! Did we mention he wants us to mention he’s good at art? Cuz he is! Also, he does Yoga.
But seriously, I did not know that he liked to draw cartoons. Glad to now know that in addition to the ‘boy next door’ good looks and soulful blue eyes, Mark and I share one more thing in common.
It is hard to think there was a time when he would have been in a Tiger Beat. He definitely had gorgeous eyes.