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Jennifer Love Hewitt Vajazzles?

Jennifer Love Hewitt vajazzles her vajay-jay.


Are you telling me there wasn’t a classier, or less 5-year old way to say this?

The spa that does it calls it “cb with a Flair” (cb=Completely Bare). Now, that I like. But…


I wish you could see the image of me over here sort of shaking my head and wincing in physical and mental pain.

Think I’m kidding? (Starts at 2:45)

There’s got to be a better term for this.

“Wax and shimmer?”

It hurts me, precious.

Maybe this is how they get Rpatz to sparkle in the Twilight movies? >.<


  1. “Maybe this is how they get Rpatz to sparkle in the Twilight movies?” – hahaha! love it! Seriously, what other awful celebrity trends will they come up with next…?

  2. I sense the word “Va-jay-jay” has some competition now.

  3. Um…just a few things.
    1. The whole, “Vajazzle,” declension is freaking me out.
    2. “CB with a flair,” is making me think of Office Space and 15 pieces of flair. (Where would they all go?)
    3. Tip for the ladies – It’s been my experience that good grooming works well enough. Turning the pootie into a discotheque seems like an act of desperation. Cuz, really – men want IN.
    (Can I get an amen, fellas?)
    I can kinda see doing it for a goof, but… if you think you need it, invest the money in a shrink. It’ll be money well-spent to shore up the self-esteem.
    (Of course, given the hell JLH has been put through over her body, I can understand the insecurity.)

  4. All I can think about is that silly Bedazzler thing… which I just looked up and the sound bites and taglines for it are hilarious when you think about vajazzling…

    Just place, push & pop! Perfect for small, detailed, projects… Get your own MINI bedazzler too!

    Just wrong…WRONG!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous

    If she said CB do you think it would be getting anywhere near as much air play? I told my best friend and his wife last night, we all watched the clip and of course as males we had to say Vajazzled about 20 times each.

  6. I coulda swore you said “Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Vagina” when my Twitter status popped and I was like “DAAAMN! oh wait. NOOOO!” Stoopid status updater pop-up thingier :D

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