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I’m in love with Whiskey Barrel Coffee. It’s kind of amazing.

I discovered Whiskey Barrel Coffee through my job writing for That’s Nerdalicious and, once I discovered it, I was in love. I mean, I love whiskey, I love coffee – so it’s kind of a no brainer for me. I even tweeted Espresso Smith (the makes of this ambrosia) after I wrote about them to tell them how much I loved the idea and talked them up online because I thought it sounded amazing.

However, as much as I wanted to try it, it was one of those things I backburnered for myself because, let’s be honest, the life of a freelancer can be a bit shaky financially and it’s more of a luxury than I could do for myself.

Then, on May 22nd, I got this tweet.

@geekgirldiva we feel like making someone’s day. May we send you some #whiskeybarrelcoffee?
— Espresso Smith (@EspressoSmith) May 23, 2014

First of all, I don’t know how they knew I was having one of those days, but the timing was perfect. I, of course, was thrilled and accepted.

Which is how I ended up with my very own dark roast blend and a very cool t-shirt. Not to mention, the packaging (Skulls. You know I love skulls) These guys are doing it right.

I haven’t cracked it open yet. (No grinder and I kind of LOVE the wax seal) but I I have a plan on when I’ll be opening it and I plan to share with friends. Because a gift from someone to make your day should be shared with others to make theirs.

If you love whiskey and you love coffee and you want to buy from good people who make quality products, then I can’t recommend Whiskey Barrel Coffee any more highly. I promise to report back once I’ve partaken.

I’ve put some pictures after the break. Check them out. I’m so impressed. Really. Thanks again, Espresso Smith. You made a fan for life.

Can I just say, I love the bottle. The bottle alone would have been awesome. The fact that it has coffee in it and looks this cool is just…yeah, awesome.

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