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I’d Like To Make A Request?

Sat down to write a blog that would be relevant to a question I had.

Fast forward 10 minutes later: Blog post eluded me completely.

It turns out I just wanted a place to ask the question and catalog the answers for easy reference.

So, I ask here. ::grin::

Music is a huge part of my life and my daily routine, so I’m always looking for new music. Given that I have loads of new people to ask, I’m asking for suggestions.

Also, if you have specific tasks you like to do while listening (i.e. coding, working, driving, romancing) let me know that as well?

Kisses in advance ;****


  1. amyfrueh amyfrueh

    I listen to music as much as I can from commute > work > commute > home @ iMac. I find I also get bored with my running playlists and need to constantly get new music to keep distracted. One of the best sources for finding bands I enjoy is Paste Magazine sampler as well as WXPN World Cafe and friends of course. Lately I’ve been listening to Gomez, O.A.R (older stuff & if live), Iron&Wine, Dido, Citizen Cope, Vienna Teng, Jackie Green, Beck, Sia and some of those mentioned above.

    Nice Post – I can learn as much from it as you are!

  2. Adlai Adlai

    I tend to get to get into a band, then listen to them while I do EVERYTHING lol. At the minute it’s a band from the same part of the world as me (N. Ireland), And So I Watch You From Afar. Big, epic, instrumental rock.

  3. I really love this bad in my city called Mariage Blanc. They’re from Pittsburgh.
    And at a show they had recently, they played with another band I love called Telekinesis! (with the exclamation point!).
    And a more well known person I’ve become fairly obsessed with lately is Bon Iver.
    And I’m obsessed with listening to music in the car. I could do it all day every day and sometimes do. I spend hours making crazy playlists and go out driving until all hours of the night when the playlists are over. And then I go home and can’t talk for days because I sang too loudly.

  4. You need the free Rapbassador EP available at! It was made to support and promote Tampa’s Museum of Science and Industry. The EP straddles hip-hop and techno with a dusting of punk. FREE AND FUN!

  5. Right now I’m completely obsessed with Sparks.

    Catchy, funny and geeky. Can’t beat ’em.

  6. Oh man, music. My tastes are wildly eccentric and never the same twice.

    When I’m cleaning I have a small playlist of various Disney songs that involve cleaning (Happy Working Song, A Dream is a Wish, Whistle While You Work, etc.).

    I’ve trained myself to study better to Classical music, I favor film scores (LOTR, Star Wars, Harry Potter).

    And then there’s The Beatles, there’s always The Beatles.

    When I’m writing I vacillate, but the best work gets done when I’m either listening to genre specific stuff (a mix of zombie songs and chamber music while writing my Pride and Prejudice and Zombies review, for instance) or just rocking out (my sister gave me a bunch of “Punk Goes…” CD’s and I’m addicted to them right now).

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