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I Had This Random Thought About TV Marketing and Social Media…

Last night I was on Facebook and came across this video posted by Castle‘s Stana Katic.

Aside from being cute and funny, I also noticed the comments. People are engaged and talking. Same thing with the actors and production team of Law & Order: SVU who I also follow. And, now that I think about it, the BBC and SyFy.

But then I got to thinking about how some people use social media. Grimm recently did a really cool thing where they gave people the option to follow and request a link for a “sneak peak” and the premiere episode. Instead of worrying that giving people early access might lower the number of people watching on premiere night, they took a gamble that people watching it early would tweet and Facebook about it in a positive manner. And, for the most part, people did.

But it’s just as easy for people to set up a presence on Twitter or Facebook for a movie or TV show and use it more of a broadcast tool. Which, in my opinion, just…fails.

The Castle think got me thinking that, as we go on, a show’s success will be helped or hurt by the way they handle their social media. And then I started wondering if the people who’re out there marketing those shows even have an idea of just what good social media is.

Anyway, just my ponderation.

Out of curiosity, if you have shows (or movies) you think either win or fail in this arena, I’d like your thoughts. I’m enjoying the ponderations and more input is always good.


One Comment

  1. I think Game of Thrones did a cool job engaging people in social media with the first season. I know I followed HBO and when they were showing an episode a week early online, they did a great job getting the word out there.

    Another show, which is totally not in this genre is Basketball Wives. Each of the ladies from the show would tweet their thoughts, each other, etc. while an episode was airing. I thought that was pretty cool.

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