I mused on Twitter earlier that: “I think I should come with a tagline. I just don’t know what it should be.” and, next thing I knew the replies started coming in. ::grin::
Here’s what I discovered. You people are way more clever than I could ever hope to be. And, while I was kidding, I think we should have a little fun.
So, what would the GeekGirlDiva tagline be?
I have a $25.00 gift certificate for Entertainment Earth.
My favorite tagline wins. ;-)
WWGGDD? What would GeekGirlDiva Do?
* When a girl has just too much geek for a single body to contain, she is a Geek Girl Diva!
* Toys make the geek girl.
* There is only one Diva, but the geek girls are legion.
* The reality is the diva. The diva is reality.
* The girls (dis)play on Wednesday.
* Sarcasm is my regular frame of mind. Snarking comes naturally.
* Warning: Snark season.
* I write therefore I squee.
GeekGirlDiva: Now with 100% more snark!
– Warning: Contents under extreme pressure
– So this is what’s at the end of the yellow brick road
– Be careful what you wish for… I might just program it
– Ingredients: Whatever I want them to be. Deal with it!
– The forecast calls for geeky ramblings with periods of biting sarcasm
GeekGirlDiva: You may be Epic, but I’m Legendary
Tagline: 100% Geek, 100% Girl, 1000% Diva
GeekGirlDiva: Raids in heels.
GeekGirlDiva: Because life’s more fun *her* way.
GeekGirlDiva: Queen of the Geeks
GeekGirlDiva: Now with even MORE Geek!
GeekGirlDiva: Great Geek Taste, More Geek Flavor
GeekGirlDiva: Geek Done Write!!**
GeekGirlDiva: Encyclopedia- both 12 letters. Coincidence?
Now with even more squee!
GeekGirlDiva: Gonna make you squee like a geek!
GeekGirlDiva: “Sexy geek” is not an oxymoron.
GeekGirlDiva: This is my tagline.
GeekGirlDiva: I’m up here, Frodo.
GeekGirlDiva: +1 to geekery
and lastly,
GeekGirlDiva: Did Felicia Day sign *your* cleavage? I didn’t think so.
A diaper full o’squee every time I tweet.
Now with even more squee
I do like my original thought: Fizzy, refreshing, with a darkly sardonic finish. If I come up with something else I’ll let ya know. ;*
The absinthe of women: turns your worm to wood and lets you see things you never knew existed.
Caution: Geekgirldiva more sarcastic than she appears. @Hizzungfarlow
Objects may be larger than they appear