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Baby Skulls and Cross Boxes? Yes Please.

Wanna see something pretty? ;-)

Before you start worrying that I’m advocating infanticide for the sake of art, I’ll mention that this epic awesome babyskull is made with plaster of paris ;-) Which means I can ooh and ahh all I want.

This is just one of many amazing pieces. You can check out the rest of them here (via SuperPunch)

And, because I’m a fan of skulls, crossbones and Dia De Los Muertos, I figured it was a good time to show off a bit of the goodness from Skellramics.

While I’m able to get my Skellramics fix at SDCC (they usually have a booth right next to the Entertainment Earth booth), I know some people may not know about them. So, I wanted to show off one of my current favorites. ;-)

You can check out the shop here or get more on all things Skellramics at their website.

One Comment

  1. Oh shit. Next time you come to NYC I have an antique store we need to go to. Also, you would have loved my ex’s house.

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