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An Open Letter To Gizmodo Regarding Alyssa Bereznak And Her “OKCupid” Article.

In her nerd bashing and, frankly, idiotic blog post about meeting and dating Magic: The Gathering champ Jon Finkel, Alyssa Bereznak claims to be a nerd and then adds “like so many of us!”.

Since the article was posted on your site, I’m guessing she includes Gizmodo staff as nerds along with the readers of the article. I’m also guessing she figured that her post would be read by other nerds who would then agree with her that Jon Finkel was, of course, far too nerdy to date!

I have to tell myself that’s what she thought. I have to tell myself that’s what the editor who approved it thought. I have to believe that.

Otherwise what I’m left to surmise is that her editor (and by extension Gizmodo itself) posted the article as a deliberate form of linkbait with the intention of getting traffic and attention. That’s distasteful and beneath you.

Not to mention, she likely assured any nerdy guy who was considering using OKCupid to date may thing twice. I bet they love that.

One other thing…

Gizmodo is supposed to be a tech/nerd/geek blog. Ms. Bereznak not only managed to sound like a catty snot, but she did a premium job of proving the meme that nerd/geek/tech women don’t really like men of the same vein. Considering how hard some of us have fought to prove our geek cred, the last thing anyone needs is Gizmodo putting some woman out there who’s less nerd and more judgmental bitch.

Shame on you.

I could get angry at the writer. After all, she wrote it. But Gizmodo published it. Which, in my mind, is the bigger issue.

You owe people an apology.

Just sayin,’

Update: Links to other articles about this. ::grin:: Gotta share the love.

image via Nerd Puddle. Check it and the article there by Kiala.

Mad love to’s Elly Hart, who took this on. Looks like Giz down under has their head on straight.

Pop Culture Monster with a pretty epic take on this.

Jill Pantozzi eloquently replied here.

GeekMom nails it with “Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Date Alyssa Bereznak”.

And Dork Tower. Oh, Dork Tower. I love you John Kovalic. ;-)



  1. THIS is why I hate movies like “How to Lose a Guy. . .”

    (I wonder if Beeznak thought she could milk a script out of this?)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous

    Too be fair, a lot of guys are into judgmental bitches.

    However, my theory is that is you can either be Cordelia Chase or Willow Rosenberg, but not both, if you get my meaning.

  3. So when I read the OKCupid article, I thought her point was that OKCupid didn’t have the additional input boxes to show just how much of a nerd you really are. Which seems to imply what Alyssa Bereznak really wants is a pretend nerd or a NerdLite. She really doesn’t want someone who is so focused on something else that it would take away from focusing on her. But, I bet if her NerdLite was the champion of something really really cool, like I don’t know, Capt. of the rugby team?, that would be OK with her. Or how about if he only played a Nerd on TV, well, that would rock. Because then he would be hunky cute, available to provide all the focus on her she needs and still provide “nerdcred” without all that interfering nerd lifestyle hassles.

    Seems like Jon was the one who wasted his time on a NerdLite.

  4. I don’t even understand how someone who “made a dating profile while drunk” even gets to write and be taken seriously in the slightest… for both Alyssa and Gizmodo- it was tacky, mean and just very disappointing.

  5. I’m on OKCupid. how come the only guys the contact me don’t know what WoW or a DS are?

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