The conversation starts at about the 6 minute mark, so feel free to skip to there ;-) I’m just gonna sit here and be happy…
Tag: Nathan Fillion
This made my Monday. (via io9) Tweet Follow @geekgirldiva
The story behind this is even more adorable than the picture. Between this and the video he did to a newborn at a con, Wil…
You can’t see it, but I’m running around jumping up and down like a madwoman of happy right now because, during my time at Quantum…
Thanks to Blastr and their TV this Week segment, I have another thing to squee about cause they posted a sneak peek of Gina Torres…
I feel like this Firefly Autotune Remix that Science Channel made for the Firefly 10th anniversary on 11/11 needs more love. Hence, I share ;-)…
Tweet Follow @geekgirldiva Oooh. Look what the universe dropped in my lap this morning ;-)
I’m sure this has been posted elsewhere, but I had to share it just in case.Apparently, this Browncoat donated 1000.00 to Operation Smile for a…
I may be late to the party in posting this, but I don’t care. ::grin:: Reason #2875 why I love Joss Whedon. He has a…
Sounds a little low and there’s a swear word in it. But it’s so worth it. Nathan, Jon and Seamus really do have too much…
The Alliance Soap Bar from Luxury Lane is strawberry scented and only $7.95 ;-) I think we need an action shot of Nathan Fillion using…
I don’t think I need to add to the story. It’s awesome enough on it’s own ;-) Firefly Returning To Cable; Fillion Says He’d Play…
Someone finally did it. Someone made a shirt that captures what most of the geek babes I know have been thinking since the beginning of…
I was talking to one of my geek guy friends who, while he loved Firefly, just can’t seem to get his head around the idea…