For some reason, I had a memory the other day of being a kid and playing La Loteria with my friend and her family. If…
Category: Star Wars
Click to Embiggen Created by artist Cat Staggs. I can totally see this painted on the side of a ship. Or on my wall. Either one…
I love it. I ask a sassy question and I end up with a blog post idea! This pic comes from the desk of Ericover…
It makes me happy on so may levels. I also rather dig the starting pie pan. You can see more here. Om nom nom nom…
If they’d had this kind of roller derby when I was a kid, I never would have hung up my skates. This Star Wars themed…
Today’s Dork Tower pretty much sums them up. Tweet
I need this. Like. Need. Wow. You can order this Star Wars Shadows of Tatooine Paper Giclee from Entertainment Earth and, y’know, if you send…
This is for Bonnie Burton ;-) via Buzzfeed Tweet
“Would it help if I got out and pushed?” This made me happy. ;-) via Buzzfeed Tweet
Jon Stewart sat down Saturday to interview George Lucas at Star Wars Celebration V and, courtesy of the folks at Hasbro, walked away with the…
Sometimes it really pays to have a friend who’s a reporter. Photo courtesy of Lucas Siegel, who I’d hate forever if I didn’t love him…
Great news for the Star Wars collectors. ;-) Entertainment Earth just announced the new EE Exclusive Star Wars Action Figure Legacy Comic Packs. The set…
The video is adorbz (thank you Great White Snark for the definition), but after you watch it, scroll down on this post to the image submitted…
Unless you’ve been under a rock, you know Star Wars: The Old Republic is coming and there seems to be all sorts of cool stuff in…
It started with a tweet. @NSSteph: Best #StarWars & #Boob related shirt I have EVER seen. Then this pic. and my quest to find it…