The incomparable Cleolinda Jones just added Twlight: Eclipse to her Movies in 15 Minutes series.Take the 15 minutes and read. Trust me on this. The…
Category: geekgirls
I’ll tell you a little secret. I’ve always wanted to own my own cafe/bookstore. However, life and other various things have sort of gotten in…
The avatars are everywhere thanks to the new Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Avatar creator. You know I had to do mine.
There’s a guy…(thank you, Dr. Denis Leary)…over at the Huffington Post who said “First off, ladies, I get it. It’s your Star Wars.” as an…
When I first heard about this set, I knew it was gonna be cool. Initial pics looked great. But this… …is amazing. All I know…
Dear Great White Snark and Big Shiny Robot, I love you. You have just completely, utterly and totally reaffirmed the back story on my previous…
Wanna know why I love geeks? Because only a geek would come up with something this awesome. ;-) This is the new Vampire Attractant soap…
I’m female, I’m a geek. There are two things I can’t deny: 1) It literally pains me to watch the Han in Carbonite scene in ESB.…
Last month I questioned the existence of the “Geek Girl” as an actual being instead of myth (yes I was being tongue in cheek) and…
I’ve been holding off on doing this for a while. Yeah, I know I went to the mat about the Vanity Fair thing, but this…
Some of you remember the great SDCC Geek Girl Uprising of 2009. You have scars to prove you were part of the battle — blog…
Today, while you’re in the lovin’ mood, why not share your big geek heart with others. Geek Girls Network™ & Geeky Clean have created a fundraiser to…
A collaborative post by @geekgirldiva and @geekgirlsIt has come to our attention that boobs, regardless of size and shape, do sometimes tend to get in the way of…
I am crushed that I didn’t think of this. However, this young lady may be the most awesome present I get this year ;-) Thanks…
I have a feeling there’s one or two people who likely had something to say about the amount and variety of laughter at Karl Strauss last night.…