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And We Will Walk Through The Fire…

The threat started early in our relationship not long after I bought him full seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Firefly on DVD. *

“If we ever break up, I get the Buffy.”

On cue, he responds with horrified shock, much grumbling and exaggerated shaking of his fist about my level of evilness and the like.

While I like BtVS, I’m not as obsessed as he is. Still, there are times that something catches my eye and I have the same “Oooh shiny” reaction that he does.

Two of these have been purchased and doled out (I took the one with the lower number because I KNEW he was taking his out of the box)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Willow Animated Maquette

But, for the record, if we ever break up, I get them BOTH ;-)

Oh and, I already have the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Dark Willow Animated Maquette on order. Heh. Two. Of course.

(Okay, admittedly, the Firefly DVD set was a duplicate and I bought it for myself after he introduced me to it, but that’s another story and not the point of this story).


  1. Girl_flamingo Girl_flamingo

    Hehe. I got the Buffy boxset in my last breakup. She may have got ALL the CD’s but I got all the Buffy, Firefly and the better books. So worth it.

  2. Girl_flamingo Girl_flamingo

    Hehe. I got the Buffy boxset in my last breakup. She may have got ALL the CD’s but I got all the Buffy, Firefly and the better books. So worth it.

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