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The trailer for Galavant has made me very happy.

I know I’ve already proven I love musicals, but I just realized that my love for Timothy Omunson hasn’t been put on the blog record, so me doing a happy dance over Galavant may need a little explaining.

Omundson has become one of those actors firmly in the crushworthy but not fan stalker-y column. He’s voiced one of my fave companions in SWTOR (Trooper Aric Jorgan), he recently put a spin on Cain in Supernatural in which he kicked all sorts of ass and sported a killer beard and now…

He sings.

To top it off, he seems like a really nice guy and interacts with his fans on Twitter like a normal person.

I mean, really? How am I supposed to not want this man to have all of the amazing to happen to him?

Not to mention, how can I not love a good musical show that doesn’t take itself seriously (::cough:: Glee) and comes from creative minds like Alan Menken and Dan Fogelman? Total no brainer.

Just..yay. Today is good.

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